GILLIAN 1st November 2019

Hi thinking of you today as always my wee Rum Sizzle. Been without you for 26 weeks today, and it seems like a lifetime since I saw your beautiful face. Its all Saint and All Souls day today, 1st of November, and you were all of those things and more. I miss having you to talk to, to stroke your lovely shiny black coat and look into your amazing dark brown eyes. You were such a good companion, and always were there with your strong loyal friendship everyday of your long life of 14 years and 7 months. I knew it was your time on 3rd of May this year, but I so did not want to let you go and have to say goodbye to you, but i knew it was the kindness and best thing for you, as you had suffered too much near the end with your sore stiff legs, stomach problems and most of all that tumor. And I wish the Vets could of made it all better for you my wee Lambchop, but I know they did their best, they really did. I so hope you are at peace now, and remember I think of you everyday, and you shall never been forgotten, after all the years we spent together. Rest now my little doggie, sleep tight my wee angel. x x x